Yembo Subprocessor List

Last Updated: July 23, 2024

Yembo uses certain suppliers to provide services to its customers, listed below:


Entity Name


Amazon Web Services, Inc.

Provides infrastructure hosting services for the Yembo platform

Atlassian US, Inc.

Jira and Trello are ticketing management systems for organizing projects

Avoma, Inc.

Provides analysis of calls with Yembo customer

Delighted, LLC

Provides customer satisfaction surveys within the Yembo platform

Elastic Inc. by Elastic provides customer relationship management database and telephony services for Yembo Sales and Customer Success teams

Google, LLC

Provides mapping and directions functionality within the Yembo platform

HubSpot, Inc.

Hubspot provides customer relationship management database and telephony services for Yembo Sales and Customer Success teams

Intercom, Inc.

Provides integrated chat to facilitate support between Yembo support personnel and customers

LogRocket, Inc.

Provides troubleshooting capabilities for Yembo support personnel

Mailgun Technologies, Inc.

Provides email notifications from the Yembo platform

MongoDB Inc.

Provides database hosting services for the Yembo platform

Nylas Inc.

Provides email integration that clients can optionally use within the Yembo platform Inc.

Provides link shortening services for invite links

Twilio Inc.

Provides telephony and video chat services for the Yembo platform

Zoom Video Communications, Inc.

Provides video communication capabilities for the Yembo Sales and Customer Success teams to communicate with prospects and customers

Evolve Bits, Inc. - Zenskar

Provides billing system enabling Yembo’s finance team to invoice customers


Getting notified for updates to the subprocessor list

Yembo will make updates to the subprocessor lists via this website. To be notified via email when Yembo update the subprocessor list, email with subject line "Addition to Subprocessor Notification List". The email address sending the request will be added to the notification list.

To subsequently be removed from the subprocessor notification list, email with subject line "Removal from Subprocessor Notification List". 


Objecting to a subprocessor

By submitting your objection by email to with subject line “Subprocessor Objection,” along with your name, your company’s name, name of the Yembo service, name of the subprocessor, and grounds for objection.  In the event that Yembo receives a customer’s objection to a subprocessor, Yembo will follow applicable procedures outlined in the agreement between Yembo and the customer that govern customer objections to Yembo’s use of subprocessors.