What Clients say about the Customer
Success Team

Marla Hjalmarson

Senior Customer Success Manager
“Marla has been absolutely incredible and is everything we could ask for in a partner. We love Yembo and we really love Marla.”

Emily Sullivan

Customer Success Manager
“Emily provides such a high level of support I rarely receive from other partners.”

Daniel Cummings

Senior Customer Success Manager
"Daniel epitomizes what Customer Success is supposed to look like -- highly professional, supportive, and willing to go the extra mile!”

Bill Slade

VP of Customer Success
“The support from Bill and his team is beyond anything we’ve ever seen!”

Your onboarding perks

Woman holding a smartphone conducting virtual survey shown on screen.

Personalized, white glove experience

  • Dedicated CSM with an 8-week onboarding plan and weekly check-in calls
  • Weekly "scorecard" report showing progress towards full utilization, with stats per team member to make sure we stay on track
  • Personal 1:1 training session for EVERY single team member

The onboarding process

What You Can Expect

Customer satisfaction on support tickets
1.5 mins
Average response time
What You Can Expect
blue quotations
The support from Customer Success is always outstanding. They are super helpful, thorough, and knowledgeable!